Wednesday, March 11, 2009

10 Things I Love About You!


You are turning 4 in just two days! There are lots of things about you as a 3 (almost 4) year old that I want to remember. Like...

1. I am really starting to see the Lord molding your tender little heart. You ask me to read you Bible stories and ask TONS of questions about heaven, God, and the Bible. You also pray about everything. You pray about the weather, people who are sick, things you want to happen, etc. You say the same prayer every night before bed. It goes like this: "Dear God, thank you for today. Thank you for Mommy, Daddy, and Drew. Thank you for Grammie and Papaw. Thank you for Gran and Papa D. Thank you for Corey, Leigh Ann, Makinley, and Morgan. Thank you for Becca and Jeff. Thank you for giving us everything we need. Thank you for dying on the cross to save me from my sins. Forgive us where we fail you. Amen." I love hearing you talk to God. I pray that you will always seek the Lord's will and will always desire to learn more about Him.

2. You are a little sponge! You are learning so much and constantly amaze us with the things that you remember. You can count to 30 (but you always leave out 15, no matter how many times that we remind you). You recognize most of your letters and know their sounds (still having trouble with Q, X, Z, and writing R's). You have gotten pretty good at writing your name (you need help with the y, though). You can also sound out simple words and LOVE going to school.
3. You are HYSTERICAL! I swear that you get funnier every day. You make us laugh with the big words that you use from your favorite TV show, Word Girl. You use words like lair, nocturnal, drowsy, and mumbling in context. Mrs. K. (your preschool teacher) says that you are an "old soul." :) You have also said funny things like, "I rock!" "Well, my friend, I've already had some gummies today." Just tonight you bent down and pet Sydney's head while saying, "I'll never fight crime without you again, girl." Daddy and I were rolling with laughter!

4. You are so loving! You give hugs and kisses constantly. You even hug each of the kids in your class before we leave to go home. You have recently started a more time-efficient approach of saying, "Okay everyone, group hug!" That usually ends up with everyone laughing and dog piling on top of each other.

5. You are such a good helper. You are very good about doing small tasks (getting diapers, picking up a toy, putting your dishes in the dishwasher, etc.) for me without complaining or making excuses. I am so grateful to have another set of little hands when I am trying to take care of Drew. You are so helpful!

6. You are an AWESOME big brother. I knew that you would be good at your new role, but you have surprised me with how well you have adjusted. You are so sweet to your brother! You hug on him and talk baby talk to him. You can always make him smile (better than anyone else can!). You also say things like, "you're such a cutie patootie!" and "I'll babysit him, Mommy." I know that the time will come when you two may not get along, but for now you are so sweet to Drew.

7. You want to be just like your Daddy. You try to mimic your Dad and like whatever he says is "cool." You love being outside, fishing, airplanes, and Star Wars just like your Daddy. You two even have your own "secret handshake." I can't think of a better role model than your Dad. I hope you grow up to be just like him!

8. You are so sweet to your Mama, too. You have been a Daddy's boy for as long as I can remember. I read that this is very common as little boys are "learning to be men," so I haven't let it hurt my feelings. People have always told me that little boys will always love their Mamas. I have found that to be more true as time goes on. You do and say sweet things to me constantly. You pick every flower that you see and proudly present it to me saying, "Mama, I have a surprise for you!" Your big blue eyes light up and I melt right then and there. You are also quick to say, "Mommy, you look beautiful" and you never let me loose when we are playing games. If we are playing Memory and you have more matches than I do, you will say, "here Mama, you can have this match." It is so sweet!
9. You keep us honest. You are all about the rules. Not that you necessarily follow them all of the time, but you definitely know the difference between right and wrong. You have said things like, "Daddy, you burped and you didn't say excuse me!" The other day you and I were in the grocery store parking lot and a car zipped out in front of me. I said, "Come on, people. You're killin' me." You quickly said, "Mommy, we don't say kill."
10. You are a good kid! Don't get me wrong, there are days when you make me crazy. You test your limits and make bad choices sometimes. But, overall, you are a very sweet little boy. I am so glad that I get to be your Mommy!