Monday, May 21, 2012

School's Out for Summer!

Last Monday was Clayton's last day of school!  It is officially summer at the Carpenter Casa - yay!!!  I am loving summer so far!  We have spent tons of time outside soaking up the perfect weather before it gets unbearably hot.  It's so nice to have no agenda, nothing to wake up early for (not that Clayton Carpenter would ever dream of sleeping in!), and an unlimited amount of time with my peeps.

During the last week of school, the 1st graders had 2 spelling bees. Clayton brought home two 1st place ribbons!  We were so proud of him!  I am the world's worst speller, so I am glad that he doesn't take after his Mama in that respect.  ;)

I must admit that I do have some reservations about this summer.  The problem is that someone is asleep at our house all. day. long.  Owen typically naps from 10-12 and 3-5.  Drew naps from 1-3.  Do you see what I mean?  There are few windows of opportunity to actually go somewhere.  Someone usually ends up missing a nap, which means that little person is tired and cranky.  I am totally fine with abandoning our schedule here and there, but I have to be purposeful with how we spend those days.  To give us some direction, we made a "Summer Bucket List."  I wrote down some fun ideas for things to do at home as well as places that the kids wanted to go.  We had fun making it, and will enjoy checking things off the list.  The goal is to do everything before summer is over. (Yes, I know that I goofed and put Legoland on there twice.  Oopsie!)  We do have some space left, so any fun ideas are welcomed.  :)
Clayton & Drew were playing together upstairs last week, and they came downstairs in superhero costumes.  I love that my big ole 7 year old will still squeeze into his Spiderman costume to play with his little brother.  I remember vividly buying that costume at Target when we had just moved into this house.  Wittle Bitty Clayton had just turned 3.  Ah, the memories...  It has gotten lots of use!  One of the best investments ever.  ;)
Here's to a summer of missing naps all in the name of fun, checking off every box on our Summer Bucket List, and squeezing every last drop out of childhood!


Matt and Cindy Fleharty said...

Looks like a good list! Happy summer!