Saturday, March 26, 2011


You have no idea how it pains my heart to blog about this particular event. But... Clayton has lost his first tooth. How is that possible???

Dear Father Time,

I have a bone to pick with you. Childhood is passing by WAY too quickly for my liking! Why aren't mothers equipped with some sort of pause button for life? Or slow motion? It really and truly is not fair...


Clayton's Mother

For the last several months, Clayton has had several loose tooth false alarms. He would come running up to me with claims of a loose tooth, only for me to realize that it was still firmly in place. That is, until last Thursday night...

He had me check a tooth that he thought was loose, and, by golly, it was indeed loose. I will go ahead and rat myself out: I cried the second that I realized that itty bitty baby tooth was on its way out. :( Wade was totally supportive and said something along the lines of, "Please tell me that you aren't seriously crying about a loose tooth?!?!?!"


It's just that I remember when that itty bitty baby tooth popped through the gum. I have looked at that tooth every day for the last 5+ years. I have bonded with that sweet part of his smile. And now it was going to change. Only to be followed by more teeth meeting the same fate. Life is cruel. :(

8 1/2 month old Clayton with his brand new bottom teeth

I pulled myself together and started working on a tooth fairy pillow. I finished it Friday morning, and by Friday afternoon Wade and Clayton were conspiring to pull that sweet little tooth.

I insisted on before pictures, with his mouthful of baby teeth completely intact. :)
The last picture of all of Clayton's baby teeth...
Wade went with the string method.

One little tug and that full-of-baby-teeth-smile was gone forever.
Clayton was thrilled, and I may have cried again. ;)
His snaggletooth grin is pretty cute, too, I guess...
So, so proud...
I let him help design his tooth pillow and pick out the fabric. He didn't like most of the "girly" ones that were online. Ha! He was upset, however, that I embroidered it with "Clayton" instead of "Reid." ;)

The Tooth Fairy was very kind to him, and now he is already working on the next loose tooth. Before long, he won't have a tooth left in his head and the Tooth Fairy will be flat broke! :)


Gran said...

Another milestone... All of our children grow up; we moms just have a hard time growing with them. Just wait for the first day of 1st grade then middle school then high school then college. Other evnts that make a mom teary eyed are the art of learning to drive, the first heart break, graduation, marriage, and the first grandchild. Each event is bittersweet, but we moms wouldn't even think of missing any of these memories. Enjoy each day; the cobwebs can wait...

Doug and Kelli said...

So exciting!! He is just seriously growing too fast! I miss you all so very much. Talked with Wade earlier and told him I need all the details for Baby Owen's arrival. I want to make sure I can head right over after work :)

dallasbrewers said...

I may have just shed a tear reading this. Just like I may have shed a tear when Luke drank out of his first big boy cup last night. Oh, Sarah, I feel ya!

Holly said...

I love this post! I'm having a hard time knowing that Little C has teeth coming IN! I don't want to see them go!

That picture of Clayton in the Santa suit is precious!

You need an Etsy store. That pillow is adorable! Please mark on my 4x6 card that I heart it. :)