Monday, June 29, 2009

The Messiest Baby on the Block

When Clayton was a baby, I didn't ever give him teething biscuits. They were just too messy! Well, the following pictures should be further evidence of the fact that having two kids has really mellowed me out.

Even though Drew doesn't appear to be anywhere close to cutting a tooth, he LOVED gnawing on that teething biscuit. It was really, really, really messy, but he looked oh so cute. (Please notice that he doesn't even have on a bib. I'm getting wild and crazy, y'all!)

Then the compulsive part of me kicked in and he went straight to the sink for a bath. Old habits die hard, people.
Ah, that's better. A sweet & clean baby in footed pajamas. That's more my style. :)


Anonymous said...

haha... absolutely amazing!


Gran said...

You are mellowing! Drew is precious no matter what! I miss you all so much. Thank you for the perfect weekend+.

Leah said...

Yay, for you!!!! Messy CAN be fun! Ha! That Drew in his footie PJ's...oooo, I could just squeeze him! Love that sweet boy!

Mandy said...

He looks so cute! It's amazing how much our kids change us (and usually for the better...)