Andrew Michael is 2.5 today. Happy Half Birthday, to my little man! :)
At 2.5, Drew:
* Is working on potty training. Normally, I wouldn't rush the torture that is toilet training, but I am trying my hardest to avoid having 2 in diapers. :) He is done so much better than I thought that he would! Most days he only has 1 accident in his pull-up - I think that is pretty good! I'm hoping that he will get it completely figured out in the next 17 days. A girl can dream, right???
Little stinker!
* This is a really random quirky thing, but I thought that I would include it for posterity's sake... Wade, Clayton, and Drew do the whole "Hi-5 up high, down low, in the hole, you're too slow" thing. Drew always makes the hole using his index and middle finger. It's so odd! He does it the same way every time. I have no idea why, but it looks like this:
* Drew talks like he is so old! It pains my heart at times, but I know that is just part of having an older brother. He used to say "Hold you?" when he wanted us to pick him up. In the last few weeks, he has corrected himself to say "Hold me?" I was sad to see that one go!
He also says things like, "Delicious!" "Check it out!" and "Makes me nervous!" Those phrases sound so cute with his little 2 year old lisp. One day he said, "Piece me?" "Piece me?" I was puzzled until I figured out that he had picked up the phrase, "You want a piece of me?" from his brother. Yeah, that didn't go over so well. Clayton got a long lecture about being a good example. Oh my...
Another new big kid term that he has been using is "Mom" - what in the world??? A couple of weeks ago he said, "You okay, Mom?" I almost burst into tears! I was quick to correct him by saying that my name is "Mommy." :(
* We always know when Drew has done something naughty. He gives himself away by hiding. Clayton will tattle on him, and we always know whether to punish him or not. If he is hiding, he is guilty, for sure!
* We sing a few songs before bed each night. Drew really likes "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands." When we let him pick what to sing is "in His hands," he always, always says "Coc-dials, Lakes" (translation: crocodiles and lakes).
* Drew loves to have his back or tummy rubbed really softly. He will curl up in our laps and ask, "Rubber back?" or "Rubber tummy?" We are powerless to resist his cute way of phrasing his request. :)
* Drew has started getting into the dress up phase. He will go into the costume bin and come out with the getup that he wants to put on. So far, Woody and Spiderman are his favorites.
* I got a little video of our 2.5 year old tonight. He is looking a little ragamuffin-ish, but it is still pretty cute (if you can ignore the crazy hair).
A few notes:
* I turned the screen towards him, so that he could see himself perform. That is why the video isn't exactly centered.
* Wade has nicknamed Drew "Drew-fus." So, now the child thinks that his name is "Drew-fus." Awesome.
* Yeah, feet on the dinner table... not our finest moment. Emily Post would be so proud...
* I don't know if you can understand him or not, so I'll translate. He says that he is Mommy's baby, Daddy's buddy, and Clayton's best friend ever. Sweet thing!
* He still sometimes says that he is having a baby sister. After countless corrections, he still waivers between sister and brother. He has no idea what he is in for!
* Baby Bobos? I don't know where that one is from either. I'm guessing from Diego and the Bobo Brothers???
My Sweet, Sweet Drew,
What a good-natured kid you are! You are happy 99.9% of the time, and that makes you so much fun to be around. You love life and squeeze every last drop of goodness out of each day. I hope and pray that you always have that same sweet spirit! It sure is an inspiration to your Mama. :)
I can hardly get over the fact that your place as the baby of our family will shift in just 17 days! I know that there will be bumps in the road, but I also know that you will make the transition well. Whenever we talk about you being a helper with Baby Owen, you say, "I carry Mama's diaper bag!" You came up with that task all by yourself, and I am so very grateful for your assistance in hauling around all of our gear. Ha!
You are at such a fun age and I enjoy you so much! As sad as it is to watch my baby boy grow up, I love watching you learn new things. If I could freeze you at this age, I would gladly spend the rest of my days raising a 2 1/2 year old version of you! But, I know that I would be missing out on all of the fun that is to come.
I adore you, Precious One!