We have had a great weekend! On Friday, we went out to Bass Pro Shop and to a barbecue restaurant for dinner. The restaurant was right on the lake, so we ate on the patio to take full advantage of the view. It was perfect weather and the food was great. Clayton, of course, loved Bass Pro. He had so much fun looking at the fish and the stuffed bears, deer, etc. They even had a shooting game that he played with Wade. We are definitely raising our little redneck up right. :)
On Saturday we went to Talon's birthday party. Talon is Clayton's second cousin. They are only 6 months apart, so Clayton had fun playing with Talon's new presents. Talon got a ride-on Hummer that he and Clayton "drove" all over the yard. Talon steered and Clayton pushed the gas. Somehow, I managed to miss getting a picture of that. Thanks for sharing your new toys, Talon! We also got to see a lot of Wade's extended family, so that was nice. Wade's cousin, Kelli, and her husband, Doug, came in from NYC for the birthday party. They have always been super sweet to Clayton. On this trip, Doug brought Clayton a guitar that he had salvaged. He even took it to get restrung and cleaned it up. Clayton thinks that it is the coolest thing ever! He carries it around with him constantly and even fell asleep with it in the car (see the picture on slide show). Clayton now adores Doug even more than he did before. :)
After the party, we went to the lake with Wade's sister, Leigh Ann, and her husband and kiddos. The kids all had fun tubing and swimming in the lake. Clayton and Makinley even took turns jumping off of the boat into the water (see the video below). No fear, I tell you! It is so hard to believe that Clayton is only 2 when I see him doing things like that. It just doesn't seem like my little baby should be this big!
Hope you all are savoring these last few weeks of summer, too! It'll be getting cooler before we know it...
New Year, New Fun
3 days ago
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