Yesterday was one of my favorite days of the year - pumpkin patch day!!! The kids had a school holiday for Columbus Day, so we decided to celebrate our favorite Spanish Explorer by spending the day surrounded by gourds. Just as Mr. Columbus intended. Haha!
We went back to our favorite little patch in Decatur. We have been going to the Black Creek Farm for 6 years now. It is the sweetest little patch on the planet, for sure! Mrs. Dede has known Leah since she was a child, and she takes such good care of us! It pays to be best friends with a precious girl from the country! ;)
We got there at noon and went straight to our photo session, which sounded good in theory, but the lighting wasn't on our side. The boys squinted and groaned through a few pictures. Such good sports they are!
When our photo sesh was over, we went for a hayless hayride with Mr. Homer. The kids think he is hilarious with his goat calls, horse kisses, and such.
Then it was time to see all of the animals!
I never thought that I would have to say, "Boys, don't let that chicken poop on your head!" But... never say never. ;)
I know that there will come a day when my boys don't want to go to the pumpkin patch. And I can guarantee you that I will cry buckets of tears on that day. I hope that is a long, long, looooonnnnnggg way away! :)