The vast majority of my friends' kids are little girls. Therefore, most of my kids playmates are of the female variety. (The major exception is Luke, of course, Drew's BFF. :) ) That's how I ended up with pictures like this on my phone...
Drew in a poofy pink princess dress...
Yes, I know that one day they will hate me for posting those pictures on the world wide web. But, I just had to document the fact that I had to use makeup remover on my children. That is something that I never thought that I would get to do! Ha!
Oh, the joys of having GIRLS for pals!!! So, sorry for all the defileing...girl/princess style! HA!
I promise next time you guys come over, I will at least hide the makeup. The tutu's, necklaces, purses and princess dresses are fare game though. :)
You are such a good sport! And, yes...they will in fact, hate that you have these pictures. Builds character, though, right?
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