Clayton and I butt heads a lot. We are firstborns, and I attribute birth order and the fact that we are so much a like to the fact that we challenge each other so much. Beth Moore said once that one of her daughters was "so strong-willed that she could make James Dobson cry." I know exactly what she means...
However, Clayton has this uncanny way of coming up with the funniest zingers just when I think that I am going to loose my mind with him. I like to document those things, so that, on the hard days, I can remind myself of what how much joy that he brings me. :)
This is a conversation we had a couple of weeks ago:
Clayton: "Mom, where are your sewing needles?"
Me: "Why do you need my sewing needles?"
Clayton: "Because I am going to prick my finger and make a slide so that I can look at my blood under my microscope."
Um, that's totally normal for a 5 year old, right??? For the record, I did not reveal the whereabouts of my sewing needles and we had a long talk about how that could lead to infection. We decided to make a slide of something that didn't require drawing blood. ;)
On Monday we were driving home from school, when he revealed this little gem:
Clayton: "Um... Mom.... Uh... I have a secret that I'm not supposed to tell anyone. I have decided that I can tell you, though. But, you can't tell anyone else." (He was super serious and acted like he had really struggled with whether or not to tell me this big "secret.")
Me: Clayton, you can tell me anything. What is it?
Clayton: "Well.... Um... I'm actually a CIA agent."
Me: (Trying desperately not to laugh my head off!) "Really??? That's cool! I've never known a CIA agent before!"
Clayton: "Well, actually, Daddy is one too. But you can't tell anyone!"
He was so, so serious throughout that conversation, and I could barely contain my laughter. I have no earthly idea how he knows what a CIA agent is! Either way, I feel much safer knowing that 50% of my household is comprised of undercover agents. Ha ha!
New Year, New Fun
4 weeks ago
That Clayton is a free spirit with a mind like a sponge. I remember many years ago Wade talked about applying to be a FBI agent. Maybe the CIA idea is a genetic trait just updated to the 21st century. CIA is much cooler than the FBI.
I love that you are documenting these! And the next time Clayton has an "injury with blood" as we call, them, just grab a slide. Blood is cool to look at under the scope! We're such nerds!
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