We are officially iced/snowed in! Yesterday it rained, the rain froze, and then we got some snow. The ice underneath the snow has caused the roads to be super slick, which, in Texas, shuts everything down. Schools and businesses are closed, and our entire area seems to be hibernating. Thankfully, our Daddy is in town, so a few days of hibernating is alright by me! :)
Yesterday, we did some school work in the morning (mean old homeschool Mom...) and Drew took a nap in the afternoon. In the warmest part of the day (a balmy 14 degrees!), we decided to don all of our snow gear and go outside to "help" Daddy try to break up the ice on the driveway. ;)
We lasted outside for approximately 2.5 seconds before there were requests for hot chocolate. Ha! However, I did get some photographic proof that we were out to brave the elements.
Poor Daddy... shoveling snow, chipping away at the ice, rinse & repeat. Boo!

Cute patoot snow baby...

Why do little boys always get the best eyelashes??? Proof that life, indeed, is not fair!

Throwing snowballs...

Drew loved it! He would slip on the ice and just smile and laugh as he tried to regain his footing. :)

As soon as he spotted the neighbor's attempts to cover their water spout, he started saying, "Target! Target!" That's my boy! Ha ha!

Clayton found Wade's ski goggles in our bin o' winter gear and begged to wear them. ;)

His chief form of entertainment was "ice skating" on the driveway.

SnowBuddies :)

Hopefully, by tomorrow the roads will be a little better. Two days of hibernating is fun and all, but my boys are starting to get a little stir crazy. I've come to realize that little boys are like labrador puppies - if they don't get enough exercise, they will get themselves into trouble. ;)
Love your puppy analogy...so true!!!
Great pics. I love any pics of your two monkeys together. It always make me imagine seeing a pic of them together with their 3rd brother, someday when they are in their teens. We will look at those same poses and say...remember when your were so young and little...but we still see those same blue eyes and precious smiles, so grow up! Sorry to ramble...I get so nostalgic looking at pictures, and imagining the future, ha.
I am so thankful to be a part of seeing your boys grow up! Blesses my heart!
Love you guys! Way to make the most of all our crazy snow days.
that was supposed to say "so growN up"...sorry.
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