Happy Valentine's Day!!!
I love Valentine's Day... I know that it is a manufactured Hallmark holiday, but I can't help myself. I just think it is so fun!
Since Valentine's fell on Monday this year, we decided to celebrate our annual Pink & Red family dinner a day early. So, yesterday was deemed Valentine's Day at the Carpenters. :)
I managed to talk my entire family into wearing red to church yesterday morning! There may have been a bit of grumbling, but eventually they all got on board. I've learned that you can get away with that type of cheesy request when you are the only girl in the house. Ha!
Wade tried to hide his red sweater vest and claim that he didn't own anything red. Not so fast, Buddy - I do your laundry! I know everything in your wardrobe inventory. ;)
Wade was happy to oblige in his Mini-Me's request.
We have been talking for the last couple of weeks about our Pink & Red dinner. We started this tradition last year on Valentine's Day and it was a big hit! Clayton was very emphatic that he wanted to be surprised with the menu this year. :) He offered to "watch Drew upstairs" while Wade & I got dinner ready, so that he wouldn't see anything until it was all ready. I loved his excitement!
I saw some ideas online about cutting a carrot into a heart shape and slicing baby tomatoes at an angle to make a heart. So, we fudged a little on the red & pink rule and had salad as our side. I did offer pink ranch dressing or Catalina dressing to put on top, though.
When Clayton was 2, we gave him this obnoxious singing monkey for Valentine's Day. He LOVED that thing - and still does! So, we have bought the same type of singing stuffed animals every year since. They drive me insane, but the kids adore them. It truly is a gift of self-sacrificing love! ;)
I hope that your day is especially full of L-O-V-E!!! :)
Loved all the food ideas. However, we may need to have an intervention regarding the hoarding in your closet.
OH MY WORD!!! You crack me up! Your love of celebrations is hysterical... When I turned the corner at church to sea of red I knew it was the Carpenters before I saw your faces Ha! What a cute tradition! They may grumble, but I bet they will love it for years to come!
Such a fun and special family tradition! I am inspired to do more now on this "love" holiday.
I just love the red pictures. You all 4.5 look so great in that color. Especially you Sarah-girl. You have that precious pregnancy glow and just look stunning!
I love the way, you love your family...and make so many things memorable and special. My mom always says, that making memories is one our most important jobs as a Momma! Well done, pal!
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