Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Owen's Thanksgiving Feast

The Thanksgiving Feast is a highlight of the Kindergarten year at our little school.  It is such a fun event for our Kinders!  Wade and I were both able to join Owen for his feast this week.  It was such a special time with our littlest!

for Brody
for Dad & Mom
Mi Basball gam thet we wun
Clatn Drew"
Guess he covered all of his bases.  ;)
 Cute little pilgrim!
 The kids decorate turkeys and disguise them so that they won't get eaten for Thanksgiving dinner.  ;)
Owen decorated his like a Pokemon.
 The Kinders recited a little rhyme and sang a song.
 So proud of our sweet boy!
 This is one of Owie's best buds at school.
 Owen and his sweet teacher