Friday, June 19, 2015

VBS 2015

We had a great week at VBS!  I was able to teach 4th graders.  I got to spend the week with Clayton and lots of his friends, and I got to teach with 3 of my friends.  It was great!

 It rained on Tuesday night, and our room had a bit of a leak.  So... we had no electricity on Wednesday morning.  Whomp, whomp!  We made it work, though, and "powered through."  ;)  That's what we do at VBS, right?!?!

We are thankful for a church that opens its doors to the community and welcomes all the little children with open arms!  It is so neat to see kids learn about Jesus and sing praises to Him!  We pray that seeds were planted and that these kids will all come to know the Lord and His love for them.