Monday, September 08, 2014

Meet the Teacher for Owen - September 4, 2014

My sweet baby started preschool this year!  I can't believe that Owen is old enough for preschool, but, alas, he is!  He had Meet the Teacher on September 4th.

This cutie pie has watched his brothers go to school for the last three years, and he was excited that it was his turn to give it a go!
 He found his spot and sat right down.  :)
 We were super excited that one of Owen's teachers would be my friend, Ginny, from church.  It made it MUCH easier to think about leaving Owen at school knowing that he would be hanging out with someone that I know and love.
 Owen's other teacher is wonderful as well!  She has a British accent, which I am crazy about.  I secretly hope that Owen will pick up some of her sayings and start speaking with an accent.  He wasn't feeling like smiling at that moment.  Sheesh.  3 year olds are so fickle.  ;)
 He sure did turn that frown upside down when he saw that his backpack bucket was positioned right underneath the Mike 'n Ikes.  Haha!
 Owen's BFF, Sadie, will be at the same preschool.  She will be in a 4 year old class, but we are hoping that their paths will cross some at school.
 Seriously.  Can you even handle the cuteness?  Love this boy!
Meet the Teacher went really well!  I was hoping and praying that I could say the same for the first day of preschool!  We are looking forward to a great first school experience for our littlest fella.  :)