Wednesday, June 25, 2014

VBS 2014

Our church had Vacation Bible School June 16th-19th this year.  I have helped out with VBS for several years, and it is always a TON of work, but so very worth it!  This year was no different.  I got to teach with two of my sweet friends, two ladies that I didn't know well (but loved!), and a darling youth worker in a Kindergarten class of 19 kiddos.  We had an exhausting/energetic/fun/challenging/exhilarating week.  :)

We prepared and planned for weeks and weeks to make the week meaningful for our kiddos.  I hope that they enjoyed it as much as we did!

My husband, bless his heart, acted as John the Baptist on Day 1.  Mrs. Sally interviewed him, and the kids asked questions as well.  He was a pretty good John the Baptist, if I do say so myself.  ;)
The older that I get, the more that I realize what a tremendous blessing it is to grow up in the Faith.  I am grateful that my earliest memories are of going to VBS, Sunday School, and being taught at home by my parents.  It's all that I have ever known, and I am so incredibly thankful.  I hope and pray that the Lord used VBS to plant little seeds in the hearts of each of these children!