Sunday, November 06, 2011

Owen's First Attempt at Rice Cereal

We gave our sweet little Owen his first few bites of rice cereal on November 1st. He is almost 6 months old and seemed to be showing signs of being ready for solids. So, we took the plunge a week early. :)

It went.... Well, I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.

Smiley and happy sitting in his Bumbo...
Cooing and sticking his tongue out...
Letting the first bite dribble out of his mouth...
Trying to make himself like it...
Nope, this stuff is not good...
Why are you torturing me????
Poor kid. He hated it! I remember how much Drew loved his first experience with solids. I kindof expected Owen to be the same way. Notsomuch...

In his defense, Owen had never had formula before, and I mixed the rice cereal with Enfamil. I guess that he wasn't a big fan of the taste. We have continued to mix his cereal with formula every night, and he has gotten progressively better. I am pleased to say that he gobbled it up last night like it was his job. We've made good progress! :)

Another milestone marked off of the list...