Our sweet little Sugar is 4 months old! I can hardly believe it...
What a month this has been! Here's a summary of life with our little O:
* Owen had his 4 month well check this morning. He weighed 14lbs. 1oz. (34%). He was 25.5 inches long (73%). His head circumference was 41.5 cm. (31%). Owen weighs less than either of his brothers did at 4 months (Drew was 16 lbs. 13oz. and Clayton was 14 lbs. 4 oz.), but Dr. P. reassured me that he is growing just fine. He doesn't look skinny to me, he's just going to be long and lean, I guess. :) He got a clean bill of health and did well with his immunizations. He hardly fussed at all!
* Owen is wearing size 2 diapers and 3 month clothing. He still wears some of his 0-3mth things and is starting to wear some 3-6 month.
* We took our trip to the Carolinas in August, and Owen did so well! He was awesome on the plane and did great on all of our adventures. However... his sleeping schedule definitely took a turn for the worst. :( He was sleeping 10-11 hours at night before we left, but started waking once in the night while we were gone. We're slowly, but surely, getting back on track. He's sleeping 8-9 hours right now. During the day his is still nursing every 3 hours and sleeps for 1.5-2 hours between each feeding.
* Owen found his thumb and fingers this month. He will just suck away whenever he manages to get one in his mouth. It's pretty cute. ;)
* Owen is a happy, smiley baby 95% of the time. That makes the 5% of the time that he is sad so stressful. I kind of panic when he cries, because that is not his norm. His crying is almost always due to being overtired at the end of the day. Poor little Third Baby gets woken up from naps and is on the go more than I would like. Thankfully, he goes with the flow pretty well and can miss naps here and there.
* O found his feet this month, too.
* He is starting to look A LOT more like Clayton did as a baby. I see it more and more. He has those beautiful blue eyes - just like his Daddy and both brothers. Just dreamy...
* Owen still sleeps swaddled tightly in his miracle blanket. Yes, I know that people think that I am a Looney Tune for swaddling him. One of my pals that works in the church nursery asked me last week, "Do you still have that sweet baby in that straight jacket????" Ha! He loves it, though. I swear.
* O is a fan of tummy time. Neither of my other babies cared for being on their belly much, but Owen is content doing baby push ups and watching the world around him.
* He's also a Bumbo Rockstar. Seriously, he does awesome in that thing!
* Owen hasn't rolled over yet, but he honestly hasn't had much of an opportunity to learn. Wade, Clayton, Drew, and I all love to hold our Baby, so he is held a lot. :) If he isn't being snuggled by one of us, then he is usually in his swing or Bumbo. Note to self: I need to make a conscious effort to let him spend some time just laying on a blanket. Those milestones kind of fall off of your Mommy Radar by the time the third baby comes along. Ha!
My Darling Boy,
Owen, my Owen... How I adore Thee! This month has been a doozy! Your first big trip, first airplane ride, school starting, new church activities, etc. Your poor little schedule has been turned upside down! Gone are the lazy days of summer. Boo!
While we were on vacation, you had your longest sleeping stretch yet - 11.5 hours! I commented to Daddy that I was sad that I would never be up in the night feeding a baby again. Ha!!! You were quick to remedy that. ;)
I am getting less sleep now, but I really do enjoy the quiet night time feedings. Two nights ago you woke up at 5 a.m. I was sooo tired, and could barely muster the energy to get you and head to the living room to feed you. While I fed you, though, I had a "moment" with you. You looked so sweet and innocent with your almost bald head and big blue eyes. I just prayed and prayed for you while you ate. I thanked God for giving you to me. I'm so glad that you're mine!
You are going to do big things, Precious Boy. I know that is true. I will always be your biggest cheerleader and #1 fan, and you will always be my Baby.
I love you GOBS,
New Year, New Fun
3 days ago
I do see a little resemblance to big bro Clayton in there! He's adorable. AND, I totally swaddled into month 4 too :) Drew loved it and slept like a charm. I need to meet this lil guy soon!
So many adjectives for Baby O - sweet, precious, cute, handsome ... he is just perfection! Wish I could give him a squeeze right now!
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