Monday, May 30, 2011

Baby Owen is 3 weeks old!

Owen turned 3 weeks old this past Saturday. He is changing so much! I swear that I lay him down for a nap, come back 2 hours later, and he looks physically different. It's just crazy how fast he is growing! I'm savoring each and every moment of this precious newborn time. I just can't get enough of my sweet Baby O. :)

Owen LOVES having his hands by his face. During all of my last sonograms, he had his hands covering up his face. He continues to prefer his little hands close to his face. Either he is super strong, or I have lost my ability to swaddle. Ha!

Ah, that's better... :)

He has gotten much better at focusing on our faces. I love to lock eyes with that pretty baby - nothing better! His eyes are getting lighter each day - blue, just like his Daddy and big brothers. ;)

He still doesn't look like either of our other babies to me. However, his facial expressions and mannerisms remind me very much of Clayton as a baby. He is a pretty serious little dude! He furrows his brow and looks like he is really concentrating. I used to tease that Clayton was going to need Botox for his first birthday. Ha! Owen is the same way.

He does have some pretty sweet grins that we get every once in awhile.

Owen is gaining some good head control. He can hold his neck straight for quite awhile before he turns into a bobble head again. :)

He loves his swing. He spends his days just eating, sleeping, and swinging. What a life!

I weighed Owen on Saturday and he was up to 9 lbs. 15 oz. Whoa! He is getting some meat on those little bird legs. :) I didn't measure his length, but he is looking really loooonnnnggggg these days.

He is still sleeping really well. Thank you, Lord! I feed him at 11:00 and lay him down at 11:30 or so. He will sleep until 4:30 or 5, wake to nurse, and then go back to sleep until 8:00. I am usually only up once at night. It is so nice! Baby Owen has spoiled me. :)

It's hard to believe that Owen is almost a month old. Let's not talk about it, okay? ;)


Brent and Abbey said...

Time flies-- I thought the same thing as I was taking off the polish from our pre-Owen pedis... soak it up, Momma!

I too thought LOOOONG legs when I saw him in the swing... I love me some tall men! Yay!