My first ever baby boy is 6 years old!!! Wow - that seems so old!I begged and begged Clayton last night to please stay 5 for one more year, but, alas, my pleading was to no avail. He was determined to turn 6 today... Try as I may, I can't seem to figure out how to stop time! :)
A few tidbits about Clayton on his 6th birthday:
* He is 47 inches tall and weighs 48 pounds (that is according to my measurements - he has his well check at the end of this month).
* His favorite color is still blue.
* His favorite subject at school is Math. (Science is an elective at his school, and he isn't taking it this year. Otherwise, I am sure that Science would be his fav.) He can add and subtract any single digit number combinations and can figure out many double digit problems. He breezes through his Math assignments and begs us to give him more practice problems. That is, so far, the only part of his DNA that I can claim. Everything else about him is just a miniature version of his Daddy!
* He despises Handwriting. If I see an assignment on the weekly syllabus that involves writing a story, I know that we are doomed! I try really hard to get him to do his very best work, but he could care less if his letters are perfect. As long as they are legible, he is good to go. I guess that is a boy thing...
* His favorite thing to play at recess is tag.
* He requested a cookie cake for his birthday this year. Maybe he belongs to the Brewers??? :)
* He said that his favorite place to eat is Boston Market (I was shocked by that answer - I would have bet money on McDonalds), but that his favorite food is pizza. Hmm....
* I asked him who his favorite Bible character was and he replied, "James." When I asked why James was his favorite he said, "because he was a disciple."
* He said that his favorite Bible verse is John 3:16.
* His favorite TV shows are Electric Company, Arthur, and Wild Kratts.
* He was bound and determined that we were going to name the baby Jake (Jacob Ryan was the runner up name for Owen, and Clayton was particularly partial to that option). He has decided that he is going to call Drew "Jake" since we didn't use that name for Baby #3. Drew is sweet to play along and now answers to "Jake." ;)
* While we're on the subject of names, Clayton has decided that he wants to go by his middle name, Reid. I think that it all stems from Drew & Owen both having names with 4 letters and the fact that Wade goes by his middle name. At any rate, he has started writing "Reid" at the top of all of his school papers. We'll see if that sticks... Ha!
* Clayton is at the stage where he constantly wears holes in his jeans. It is always on the right knee, for some reason. It is so odd to me. Boys - what can you do with them???
* Clayton has really taken off with his reading, and that is such a joy to be a part of, as a parent. He can read just about anything - school readers, Dr. Seuss books, Bible stories, etc. He asks for help with words occasionally, but he does pretty well for a Kindergartner. He still loves to be read to. "Chapter books" are his favorite. We are working our way through the Chronicles of Narnia right now. We have finished The Magician's Nephew and are currently reading The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. Clayton has really gotten into the stories and the cliffhangers at the end of each chapter leave him begging us to read more. I hope that he grows up to really enjoy reading - that has never been my strong suit.
* He newest interest is playing with Bakugans. I still don't really understand them, but they are little balls that pop open when exposed to a magnet. They transform into dragon-like characters. He has collected quite a few and carries them around in a little organizer case. I'm sure that it is one of those faddish toys that we'll keep to show him how antiquated toys were "back in the day." ;)
* He still sleeps with his Brownie (little dog) and Nanny (security blanket that I bought when I was pregnant with him). He acts so tough and big - I love that he still has that slight hint of "baby" left. :)
Dear Clayton,
I can't believe that it has been 6 years since your little 7 pound 4 oz, 20 inches long self made me a Mommy. Oh my goodness - I had no idea what I was in for! What a ride motherhood has been thus far. Thanks for being my guinea pig. :) I have made so many mistakes, but, by God's grace, you have turned out to be a great kid!
You are a firstborn through and through, my Love. You love to be the leader and the center of attention. You are stubborn and hate to admit that you are wrong. I can relate - I am a firstborn too! We challenge each other with our strong wills, but I still wouldn't change a thing about you. I know that a lot of the characteristics that make it hard to parent you, will one day make you very successful. I really think that I will deserve a portion of your earnings. Ha!
I know that every parent thinks that their kids are smart, but your little mind constantly amazes me. You catch onto things so fast! I know that, as a Kindergartner, I wasn't anywhere close to your intellectual level. I love watching you learn and rejoicing with you in your new-found knowledge. It blows my mind that you can read now! Listening to you read is just about the coolest thing ever! I will admit that you have thrown a kink in Daddy & I being able to spell things out to each other. Those days are long gone!
I love you more than you will ever know! Even on our very worst days, I count being your Mama among my greatest joys.
I love you to the moon and back,
New Year, New Fun
4 weeks ago
Your blog is such a blessing to me! I can't tell you how much I look up to you as a mother! Hopefully that's not weird coming from a complete stranger, but you really are so great at documenting your boys' lives! They will be so lucky to have this to look back on some day! Can't believe Clayton is 6! Again, I feel like I know your family! :) can't wait to see what hilarious things he says as a 6 year old!
Ahem...I mean, Reid! ;)
I second everything robineilene says (except the complete stranger part)! And I want to add - Happy birthday to Reid! That's absolutely hilarious. That boy sure does have a big personality and gets more handsome every year. He's blessed to have you for a mama!
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