Last night my sweet Drew was promoted out of his crib and into our toddler bed! He did awesome! I'm so, so proud of him!
After he got out of his crib a couple of weeks ago, I knew that the toddler bed was our next step. Thankfully, he only climbed out of his crib a few times, and then he was back to sleeping soundly within the confines of his crib. He is super tenderhearted, so it only took a couple of "corrections" before he knew that we meant business and that he had better stay in his crib. (Oh, how I hope that his Baby Brother is as compliant with discipline!)
However, as my belly has grown, it has become harder and harder to change his crib sheets. Out of sheer convenience, we decided to switch him to a "Big Boy Bed." ;) Last night, we set up the toddler bed and told him that we had a surprise in his room. He was SOOOO excited when we opened the door and he saw his bed!He kept saying, "Big Boy Bed, Bubba!" Like he was telling Clayton that he got a big boy bed like his. Ha ha! He wants to grow up so badly, and I want him to stay small so badly. At this point, he is winning!
"Practicing" pulling up his covers and calling for Mama when he wakes up. ;)
He did awesome last night! I hope that I am not jinxing myself, but he slept soundly from 8:30pm-7:30am. When he woke up, he just said, "Mama, Mama..." in a sweet little voice until I came to get him. Just like we had practiced. I praised him so much today for his accomplishment. :)
The next step is to move him into Clayton's room. I have a feeling that may not be such an easy transition... We shall see. We will be moving the video monitor into their room, at least until #3 gets here. I want to be sure that I have eyes and ears on those two at all times. There's no telling what kind of mischief they will get into! ;)
P.S. Baby Boy #3 still doesn't have a name. :( We are open to any and all suggestions, of course! I see my doctor next Monday for my usual appointment & sonogram. I'm hoping and praying that God has given him some sort of black and white name tag that I will be able to read on the screen. Ha ha!
New Year, New Fun
4 weeks ago
Oh my goodness, I just got a glimpse into my future! A cute, blond Drew in those green footie jammies...too cute, but a little sad too that he's getting SO big! Cute cute cutie pie. As for names...have you considered Cindy? It's a little unconventional, but I think he could pull it off.
Oh, that Drew is so precious. His excitement over the new bed is so cute. Didn't that just melt your heart when he called you the next morning?! What a good boy!
Yeah for Drew! Good idea moving him to C's room prior to baby 3. As for baby 3....I'm sticking w/ E names. How about Eden, Ellis, or Elliot? I think Eden is very cool. It's Hebrew. I know you and Wade tend to go the more classic name route but I thought I'd throw something out there! Why is choosing a name so stinkin' hard?!
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