Thursday, December 25, 2008

"Did Santa Come????"

Man, oh man, what a Christmas! We have had quite a day around here! Santa was soooo good to our boys - they got WAY TOO much! Clayton came down the stairs saying, "Did Santa come? Did Santa come? Did he eat our cookies?" He was kinda still in a sleepy daze when he came around the corner. He was really confused when he realized that Santa left more toys than he had asked for. He said, "I didn't even ask for a soccer ball!" He was amazed by all his loot. His favorite things from Santa were his light saber, his storm trooper mask, his Star Wars underwear, and his Batman batcave. Oh, to be 3 again...

Sweet Drew slept through most of his Christmas! He was thrilled (I'm sure) with his loot as well. Santa brought lots of things that he can grow into since his birthday (oh, I can't even think about him turning one without tearing up!) isn't for 10 more months.

We hope that you and your family had a wonderful day filled with joy, love, and family!

Rounding the corner to see his gifts

Posing with his loot

Superman bandaids - pure greatness!

Being a racecar driver

Clayton got several new costumes. Buzz is his favorite!

Our little storm trooper

Santa left a light saber in Daddy's stocking also. I guess that he knew that Clayton would need a sparring partner (wink, wink!).

Drew with his presents from Santa
Sweet Baby Boy with his stocking
Isn't he precious!
Both my babies in front of the tree
The best part is that we still have 2 Christmas celebrations left! Tomorrow is our Christmas with Wade's mom, dad, sister, brother-in-law, and our nieces and Saturday is Christmas with Grandmom & Granddad. There's so much more fun to be had - YAY!


Hannah said...

WOW! Drew made quite a haul for such a little guy. Jacob and Jenna LOVE their play mat with the fishes and ball. I know Drew will really enjoy it : )